Onboarding New Employees
You’ve invested a lot in getting the right person on board (anywhere from a few thousand dollars to over 2 times the annual salary). We wish that was always the happy ending to the hiring story but in reality, despite having a great candidate and a great company, sometimes the story takes a different turn:
25% of new hires are gone within 12 months, and 45% within the first 18 months.
40% of senior hires don’t meet the objectives for which they were hired.
30% of companies say it takes a year or more for new hires to be fully productive.
63% of workers are not fully engaged and are struggling without sufficient support.
75% of employees feel like they’re left to “sink or swim” in their careers.
You want your investment to pay off. You want your new hire to hit the ground running, contribute at a high level, stay engaged, and be a long-term employee.
The Rock Your New Role™ new job integration program proactively supports the employee during the crucial “first 90 days.” It provides a structured bridge between your successful recruiting and on-boarding processes and the first performance review.
This is the only program available that:
Accelerates employees’ learning curves through step-by-step best practices for success.
Breaks the process down in 45-minute modules with topical content and worksheets.
Takes stress off busy managers by giving new staff a self-directed, supportive program.
Is delivered online for a consistent experience for all employees, regardless of location.
Offers a turnkey solution that can be quickly “bolted on” to existing on-boarding systems.
Provides a variety of levels for different responsibilities – from 6-week jumpstart programs through “first 90 days” programs for executives.
Provides optional coaching support.
Offers an unlimited annual site license option for larger organizations.
Helps you stand out as an employer – use it as an attraction tool for top candidates by including it in the offer package.
It impacts the bottom line with improved early productivity, better retention rates, ability to attract quality candidates, and greater employee engagement -- for a fraction of the total recruitment costs.
Did you know:
The true cost of replacing an employee is 2x annual salary or more?
A “bad” hire costs the firm in productivity and morale?
The first 3-6 months are critical to success in a job?
The “sink or swim” approach to integrating new employees costs the company time and money?
Over 40% of senior-level hires fail to meet their objectives?
Your new employees want to get their career with your company off to a great start but are looking for the company’s support to do so?
Line managers often don’t have the time or skills to support new hires well?
Your new hire has less than six months to make the right impression and prove an ability to contribute. After that, co-workers have him or her “pegged” and it is hard to change perceptions -- good, bad or otherwise.
Just as in financial investments, early success in a job is like compounding interest -- it creates greater credibility, confidence and results over time.
Protect your human capital investment. Don’t let your “rising stars” crash and burn. Our Rock Your New Role™ programs are designed to maximize the potential of new hires and internal promotions. Participants focus proactively on career success strategies to make an immediate impact.
Key Benefits
Shortened learning curve
100% productivity reached earlier
Greater contribution
Reduced dependence on direct managers to come up to speed
Increased ownership of onboarding process by the employee
Proactive career development and career management
Higher levels of engagement
Attraction and retention of key employees
Schedule an introductory consultation to find out how our program can get your new hires up to speed faster and with greater engagement: