Get Off to the Right Start in a New Job
A new job integration program is an essential tool to help guide you successfully through the process of integrating into your new role and organization. Complementing your company’s onboarding program, this commitment to your success leads to improved performance and achievement.
Did you know:
Over 40% of senior-level hires fail to meet their objectives?
The first 3-6 months are critical to your success in a position?
Early success (or failure) in a new role can impact your career for years?
Many companies take the “sink or swim” approach to integrating new employees?
Line managers often don’t have the time or skills to support new hires well?
You have less than six months to make the right impression and prove your ability to contribute. After that, your boss and co-workers may think they have you “pegged” -- and it is hard to change those perceptions, good or bad.
Just as in financial investments, early success in a job is like compounding interest -- it creates greater credibility, confidence and results over time. This translates into positive reviews, bonuses, raises, and promotions!
Don’t let your “rising star” crash and burn.
Unfortunately, in the first weeks on the job it is sometimes hard to see the forest for the trees. It’s easy to get caught up in what’s urgent vs. what is important.
Our Rock Your New RoleTM programs are designed to maximize your potential, whether you’re a new hire or have just been promoted.
Key Benefits
You will:
Climb the learning curve and be fully productive faster
Achieve “wins” and positive reviews
Contribute at a higher level
Demonstrate early why you were the right hire
Experience greater confidence in yourself and your mastery of the job
Gain greater control over your development and career management
We offer customized one-to-one coaching on the Rock Your New Role™ program, or you can take advantage of our Rock Your New Role™ online course with optional access to a career coach.
Schedule a Get Acquainted call (no cost, no obligation) to find out more: